
When you raise an autistic child, there are several symptoms that contribute to family, academic, and social stress. But how can the Feldenkrais Method®—a system of movement education—help?

Here at Sensory Nexus, we can help with the following symptoms:

1. Sensory Processing challenges

The Feldenkrais Method® refines the ease of a movement, and on helps your child sense where they are in space with greater clarity. Using gentle touch and tiny movements, your child’s nervous system learns to make very fine distinctions between what’s easier, and what’s less easy. This deep, subtle form of physical education sets them up for greater success with the strength and flexibility challenges that traditional physical therapy provides.   read more…

2. Meltdowns, tantrums, and emotional overwhelm

Studies have shown that movement increases one’s ability to focus, learn, and regulate emotions. If a child is even slightly uncomfortable sitting due to subtle postural challenges, how easy will it be for her to sit still and pay attention? Instead, she’ll squirm, move, or act out because she’s distracted or overwhelmed by the “noise” from her own body.    read more…

3. Repetitive Behavior

Behavior requires action. All action requires movement. The Feldenkrais Method® interrupts existing habituated movement patterns, and introduces subtle alternative options. Once a movement pattern has been shifted even slightly, the resulting action loses its compulsiveness. By discovering new options and new possible patterns of action, your child also becomes more open to variations and flexibility of behavior.

Would you like your child to feel more calm and comfortable in his/her own body? Sensory Nexus can help in the following ways:

• Private Sessions for your child
• Tools for Parents to assist your own child

Or sign up today for your free 20-min phone consultation.

Free Consultation

Feldenkrais is not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself”

–Karl Pribram,
neurocientist, Stanford University