Feldenkrais® is surprisingly comforting. It’s neither intense nor manipulative, yet it can enable astounding skillsets—especially for children. Amber Adams, founder of Sensory Nexus, performs her work gently, guiding movements subtly and intuitively. In the process, your child’s brain absorbs tiny signals, resulting in changes immediately felt and experienced.
Children with physical disabilities, developmental delays, and cognitive or behavioral differences can improve through Feldenkrais® at Sensory Nexus. Overstretched parents can benefit as well. Sensory Nexus offers one-on-one sessions for children parents and other adults, as well as group Feldenkrais® workshops for parents.
Amber has a natural ease with special needs children, and has been formally and informally working with them for most of her life. She helped raise her younger brother, diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. When her two-year-old niece underwent major surgery, Amber observed the impact of early childhood trauma. Later, as a Feldenkrais® practitioner, Amber recognized the potential applications for children like her brother and niece, and sought further study.
In addition to her 4-year Feldenkrais® training, Amber has trained and volunteered at the Field Center for Children’s Integrated Development. After studying directly under Sheryl Field for two years, Amber began volunteering at the center in 2012, where she helped children with attention deficit disorders, learning delays, autism, physical disabilities, and sensory integration issues improve their physical intelligence. Calm and compassionate, Amber puts children at ease, and works with them at their own pace. She is also currently enrolled in the Somatic Experiencing® (SE) trauma training certification, a body-based approach for dealing with trauma.
Prior to discovering Feldenkrais®, Amber studied dance and anatomy, kick boxed competitively, and taught Pilates and swing dancing. Today, Amber continues to move, with activities ranging from yoga to dancing to fencing She has also worked for 10 years as a stagehand on Broadway. Through these experiences, she has studied movement in a myriad of ways, and finds her calling now in helping children.